Getting Started with Aesel

Installing Aesel

Make sure that you have either installed Aesel, or have access to an existing Aesel Cloud before continuing.

Interacting with Aesel

User Interface

The Aesel user interface will be available in a development environment (if you are accessing a remote environment, then replace ‘localhost:8080’ with your Aesel address):

If you are accessing a secure environment, then you can access the web UI at:

with a valid username and password (you can login to the above link with the username ‘demo’, and the password ‘demo’).


If you setup a development environment, then Aesel’s HTTP API will be available at http://localhost:8080. The UDP API for CLyman is available at localhost:8762.

If you are connecting to an existing Aesel Cloud, then the HTTP URL will be provided along with your login information. You can get a bearer token for use with the Login API.

The UDP host, port, and encryption/decryption information will be provided in the response of a Device Registration message.

Official client libraries are available for the following languages:

Other languages are encouraged to make use of the HTTP and UDP API’s directly.

Client Applications

Some popular 3D applications have existing Aesel integrations:


Aesel supports integration with the Blender through an addon, BlenderSync.