.. _quickstart: Getting Started with Aesel ========================== Installing Aesel ---------------- Make sure that you have either :ref:`installed Aesel`, or have access to an existing Aesel Cloud before continuing. Interacting with Aesel ---------------------- User Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Aesel user interface will be available in a development environment (if you are accessing a remote environment, then replace 'localhost:8080' with your Aesel address): * Aesel Web UI - http://localhost:8080/portal/home If you are accessing a secure environment, then you can access the web UI at: * Aesel Web UI - https://aesel-cloud-demo.com/portal/login with a valid username and password (you can login to the above link with the username 'demo', and the password 'demo'). API ~~~ If you setup a development environment, then Aesel's HTTP API will be available at http://localhost:8080. The `UDP API for CLyman `__ is available at localhost:8762. If you are connecting to an existing Aesel Cloud, then the HTTP URL will be provided along with your login information. You can get a bearer token for use with the :ref:`Login API`. The UDP host, port, and encryption/decryption information will be provided in the response of a Device Registration message. Official client libraries are available for the following languages: * `Python `__ Other languages are encouraged to make use of the HTTP and UDP API's directly. Client Applications ------------------- Some popular 3D applications have existing Aesel integrations: Blender ~~~~~~~ Aesel supports integration with the `Blender `__ through an addon, `BlenderSync `__. Next ---- :ref:`Continue on to the overview to read more about interacting with Aesel`