.. _api: Project API =========== A Project contains groups of scenes, as well as Asset Collections. It is primarily used for organization, and helps manage a full-scale animation production. When authentication is active, projects are associated to the user that creates them and can be public or private. Users can only interact with projects that are either public, or that they own. Project Creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:post:: /v1/project Create a new Project. :reqheader Content-Type: application/json :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/project_create.rst Project Retrieval ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:get:: /v1/project/(key) Get a project by ID. :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/project_get.rst Project Update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:post:: /v1/project/(key) Update the basic (String and numeric) attributes of an existing Project. :reqheader Content-Type: application/json :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/project_update.rst Add Scene Group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:post:: /v1/project/(key)/groups Create a new Scene Group associated to the specified Project. :reqheader Content-Type: application/json :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/add_scene_group.rst Update Scene Group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:post:: /v1/project/(key)/groups/{groupName} Update the basic attributes (String and numeric) of an existing Scene Group associated to the specified Project. :reqheader Content-Type: application/json :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/update_scene_group.rst Add Scene to Scene Group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:put:: /v1/project/(key)/groups/{groupName}/scenes/{sceneKey} Add a Scene by ID to an existing Scene Group, which is associated to the specified Project. :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/add_scene_to_group.rst Remove Scene from Scene Group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:delete:: /v1/project/(key)/groups/{groupName}/scenes/{sceneKey} Remove a Scene by ID from an existing Scene Group, which is associated to the specified Project. :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/remove_scene_from_group.rst Remove Scene Group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:delete:: /v1/project/(key)/groups/{groupName} Remove an existing Scene Group from the specified Project. :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/remove_scene_group.rst Project Query ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:get:: /v1/project Query for projects by attribute. :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/project_query.rst Project Delete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. http:delete:: /v1/project/(key) Delete a project by ID. :statuscode 200: Success .. include:: _examples/project/project_delete.rst